Julia Misersky

Julia is a PhD candidate at the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics. Born and raised in Berlin, Julia moved to the UK after high school: First for work, and subsequently for her BSc in Psychology at the University of Sussex. Following some research assistantships and travel across the southern hemisphere, Julia came to the Netherlands to study Cognitive Neuroscience at Radboud University.

In the past, Julia has studied how (grammatical) gender in language shapes our ideas about gender roles in the world. In her PhD projects, she currently focuses on how grammar guides how we perceive, understand and memorise everyday events.

In her spare time, Julia volunteers both at work and in the community, enjoys doing yoga and going for family adventures outdoors.

What I learned about language development during the COVID-19 lockdown – Part III: Bilingualism is what you make of it

Oh, the lockdowns… Thankfully the last one was more than a year ago (at the time of writing), and although it was challenging being at home so much, it also allowed me to spend much more time with my daughter. In my last two posts, I told you about how my then-one-and-a-half-year-old was starting to understand and produce her first sentences. Now a feisty three-year-old, she is talking nonstop and switching between two languages.